This helpful Post-It® makes keeping track of your western blot experiment a breeze.
Use this 50 sheet Post-It® pad to plan, run, image and archive your Western Blot experiment from beginning to end.

1 Plan
Identify the experimental conditions and samples that you will be loading into each lane using the 26-well template provided on the Post-It®.

2 Run
Never miss a step in your electrophoresis and western blotting protocol by using the fields provided in the Post-It®.

3 Image
When imaging your gel or blot, stick your Western Blot Post-It® in the imager. Experimental information now viewable alongside image.

4 Archive
Stick your Post-It® note directly into your lab notebook for convenient archiving of experiment.
Get your free Electrophoresis & Western Blotting Layout Post-It® Pad
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