Featured articles

The Pathophysiology of the Immune Response to COVID-19

The Pathophysiology of COVID-19 from SARS-CoV-2

Deep dive review into COVID-19 Pathophysiology

Aberrant Cytokine Activity in the Host Immune Response to COVID-19 Leads to Cytokine Release Syndrome

A brief look into Cytokine Release Syndrome

Download these articles to read a comprehensive review of the scientific findings related to: 

  • The mechanisms underlying Cytokine Release Syndrome
  • Risk factors from pre-existing conditions and immunological history
  • Factors affecting the host Immunological response
  • The structure and development of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
  • The long-term health implications of COVID-19 (Long-haul COVID)

Bio-Plex Technology​

For over 20 years, Bio-Rad has been developing assays for the Luminex and Bio-Plex xMAP Platforms. Our process of assay development was designed to produce high-performing multiplex assays with a focus on high sensitivity with a broad dynamic range, reproducible results with shorter incubation times to get you results faster. Watch the video to learn more about our SMARTS approach to assay development.​