This helpful tool makes Bio-Plex assay preparation easy
Use this 50 sheet Post-it pad printed with 96-well template to plan, prepare, run and archive your assays.

1 Plan
Identify location of Standards, Blanks, Controls & Samples using 96‑well plate template Post-it note pad.

2 Prepare
Prepare assay in your lab using Post-it note as guide to ensure correct pipetting location on the plate.

3 Run
Set up your Protocol on your Bio-Plex Reader using the Post-it note as a guide.

4 Archive
Stick your Post-it note directly into your lab notebook for convenient archiving of your experiment.
Get your free 96‑well Post-it pad
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To learn more about our Bio-Plex Multiplex Immunoassays & Systems, visit our website
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Bio-Plex Readers
Bio-Plex Assays, Kits, and Reagents
Bio-Plex Multiplex Immunoassays allow you to simultaneously quantify up to 500 proteins, peptides, and nucleic acid targets in a single 12.5 µl sample. Assays for over 450 biologically relevant targets are available as ready-to-use premixed multiplex panels and singleplex sets or in custom-mixed panels.
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