Though the ABO blood group was discovered over a century ago, ABO discrepancies remain quite common obstacles for today’s health care professionals to deal with in clinical practices. Discrepancies can pose difficulties in both interpreting the patient’s ABO blood group and selecting the appropriate blood product for the safest transfusion.
Typically, discrepant results are seen as a disparity or disagreement, but when it comes to ABO blood typing, many discrepancies can be explained by the patient’s clinical history or other biological factors.
In this webinar, Dr. Jorge Monge Ruiz will describe various discrepant ABO results and offer strategies to handle them. He will then explore the characteristics of ABO compatibility in the context of blood transfusion and pregnancy as well as in hematopoietic stem cell and solid organ transplantation scenarios.

Jorge Monge Ruiz, MD
Jorge Monge Ruiz received his MD from the University of Cantabria. Thereafter, he continued his residency at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, a leading hospital for solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplants. After obtaining his specialist degree in hematology and hemotherapy, he completed a master's degree in transfusion medicine.
He has developed his professional activity at the Basque Center for Blood Transfusion and Human Tissues (Osakidetza) as blood components quality manager and later as the head of the Immunohematology Laboratory. He currently focuses on solving complex immunohematology cases in a transfusion or gestational context and developing blood group typing strategies for blood donors.