The future of quality control for molecular diagnostic labs:

An expert discussion

On demand: Implementing advanced quality control in molecular diagnostics

We know that maintaining the highest quality standards in diagnostics is vital, from the most basic blood test to crucial transplant testing. But it can be challenging and time-consuming – especially in molecular diagnostics labs, where quality control techniques can lag behind clinical chemistry labs.

In our on demand webinar join Dr. Jérémie Gras to learn how advanced quality control in molecular diagnostics has the power to change the direction of a life.

In this webinar, we'll be discussing:

  • The connection between quality standards and patient outcomes in molecular diagnostics
  • Why traditional quality control techniques will need adapting for molecular diagnostics
  • The technologies that underpin consistent controls, including digital PCR

Find out more about molecular quality controls
Dr. Jérémie Gras

Dr. Jérémie Gras,
Medical Director at the Institute of Pathology and Genetics (IPG)

Dr. Gras is a certified specialist in laboratory medicine and renowned international expert in quality control for clinical laboratory medicine, with a passion for molecular diagnostics.

With his expertise in previous roles as clinical pathologist and laboratory director, Dr. Gras is currently Medical Director at the IPG in Gosselies, Belgium. He is also an author, and has written a book on Quality Control, entitled “Laboratory Quality Control and Patient Safety”.

Speaker Name

Dr Peter Deman,
International Scientific & Professional Affairs Manager at Bio-Rad

Peter will be moderating the webinar and brings his more than twenty years of experience in the medical technology field ranging from implants, “cross-over” medical products, medical imaging and in vitro diagnostics.

He holds an MSc in applied engineering (UGent), Biomedical Engineering degree from the University of Leuven, and obtained a PhD “Doctor in Medical Sciences” at the Medical Department of the University of Antwerp.