Droplet Digital PCR Webinar Series

Partitioning, the essential step to multiplexing – A ddPCR application for clonal monitoring in cancer

Alexia KINOO, MSc

with Alexia KINOO, MSc,
Robert Debré Teaching Hospital, Paris

June 28
Tue 4:00PM CET

Whole genome sequencing (WGS) and whole exome sequencing (WES) are becoming routinely used as a comprehensive analysis tool of genomic alterations in cancer. As these methods develop, numerous unknown and private somatic alterations are identified. In addition to their potential role in cancer, these variants can prove useful for studying clonal evolution and monitoring the disease burden throughout treatment.

Yet due to their cost and limited coverage WGS or WES are not suited to be the method of choice for repeated analysis on sequential samples, and commercialized sequencing panels are often restricted to hotspots or well-known genes in cancer.

In this webinar, we propose a simple and effective take on multiplex PCR using the advantages of Droplet Digital PCR to tackle these challenges. With little to no optimization needed, this method can be used to create a patient specific amplicon panel targeting somatic variants found by WGS or WES.

Alexia KINOO, MSc

Alexia Kinoo, MSc.
Robert Debré Teaching Hospital, Paris

Alexia Kinoo began her career working in the field of epigenetics in the Molecular Institute of Montpellier and the Brain Institute of Paris. She primarily focused on the study of genomics regions associated with nuclear bodies in Spinal Muscular Atrophy and acquired expertize on chromatin profiling. She then went on to study neurodevelopment at the Vision Institute of Paris where she worked on axonal guidance during the optic axis development. Now in Robert Debré Hospital she uses her technical experience to set up new techniques for prenatal diagnosis, functional studies of newly discovered variants in neurodevelopmental diseases and the study of clonal evolution in pediatric hematological cancers.

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