Life Science Expert Coffee Chat

ddPCR Assay Design and Analysis Tips

Featuring an Expert Panel
August 26
Wed 9:00AM PDT/5:00PM BST

Tips for successful Droplet Digital PCR assay design and analysis

  • Effectively quantify CAR copy number variation in transfected cells
  • Measure the % of modified cells at the DNA level
  • Using minimal numbers of cells for easy, reproducible, scalable results
Matthew L Turner

Matthew L. Turner, PhD,
Field Application Scientist — ddPCR, NGC, and qPCR

Matthew Turner earned a B.S. in Biochemistry from Virginia Commonwealth University. He worked as an Analytical Scientist at Pfizer Consumer Healthcare before attending University of California, Davis where he studied the protein interactions governing synaptic plasticity. Matt joined Bio‑Rad in 2017 as a FAS, subsequently transitioning to support BioPharma Cell and Gene therapy customers.

Tara Ellison

Tara Ellison, PhD,
Senior Field Application Scientist

Tara Ellison earned a B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Chicago and a PhD from the Department of Pharmacology at Case Western Reserve University. Her research focused on the novel, ligand-independent transcriptional regulation of the vitamin D receptor and it's cancer-protective functions in skin. Tara joined Bio-Rad as a FAS in 2013 transitioning to Droplet Digital PCR FAS Applications Lead in 2016.

Dianna Maar

Dianna Maar, PhD,
Applications Development Scientist — Digital Biology Group

Dianna Maar obtained her PhD in Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics from UCLA. She has wide‑ranging experience in and understanding of virology, bacteriology, biofuels development, cancer, cell biology, antibiotic resistance, PCR assay design, and much more. She has worked on developing assays and applications for Droplet Digital PCR for over 7 years. Currently, she is responsible for leading the Applications Development team at Bio‑Rad's Digital Biology Group in Pleasanton, California. The applications team works on developing new applications for all things droplet, including ddPCR and single-cell genomics.