All Masterclasses will include English subtitles.
The Importance of Quality Control for the Pre-Analytical phase
In the past, laboratories across the world have focused on intra laboratory errors, including their avoidance using quality control. For laboratories accredited according to the ISO 15189 normative, or for those who are aiming for that status, monitoring and documentation of extra-analytical errors already is a mandatory feature. A recent survey shows that of those laboratories, who are already collecting preanalytical quality indicators, such as hemolysis rates, almost 1/3 do not act upon their deviations.
Several projects, freely available, such as the IFCC–MQI project, which provides guidelines on collecting extra-analytical quality indicators, as well as databases for their documentation, including benchmarking possibilities, may serve as a tool for standardized collection of pre and post analytical errors.
Lab experience with Serum Indices Internal Quality Control in a Hospital Laboratory
The presence of hemolysis (H), icterus (I) and lipemia (L) in diagnostic samples is an important preanalytical interference. Monitoring and objective assessment of the instrument’s response in detecting hemolysed, icteric or lipemic samples is an important activity. In automated laboratories, special attention is needed on the management of internal quality for HIL indices.
The presentation will describe how Serum Indices IQC are implemented in the Quality Assurance Process/Procedure in a University Hospital Clinical Laboratory.

The Importance of Quality Control for the Pre-Analytical phase
Dr Janne Cadamuro,
Head of Pre-Analytical EFML WG
Dr Cadamuro is a laboratory physician at the Department of Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital Salzburg. After graduating from the Medical University of Vienna, Austria, Dr Cadamuro has developed a wealth of experience including being the Founder and Chair of the section “Extraanalytical Phase” of the Austrian national laboratory society (ÖGLMKC) and the Founder and Chair of the Austrian Working Group on “Laboratory Diagnostic Pathways”.
His portfolio extends into “medical informatics” of the German Society of Clinical Chemistry (DGKL), and a member of the EFLM-“Working Group Postanalytical Phase” (WG-POST).
Dr Cadamuro has over 105 publications and 1,500 citations.

Lab experience with Serum Indices Internal Quality Control in a Hospital Laboratory
Manou Martin,
Division Manager of the Clinical Laboratory of the Brussels University Hospital
Manou Martin currently holds the position of Division Manager of the Clinical Laboratory of the Brussels University Hospital. Pharm. Martin earned her Master degree in Pharmacy and an advanced Master in Clinical Pathology. She also achieved an eMBA from the Antwerp Management School in 2013.
Manou also holds different appointments by the Minister of Health as expert Medical Biochemistry. She also wrote more than 35 peer reviewed articles and supervises on a daily basis Clinical Pathology trainees.