Bio-Rad has recently launched StarBright Dyes – a unique set of proprietary, fluorescent nanoparticles, especially designed for flow cytometry using the ZE5 Cell Analyzer.
In this webinar, we will demonstrate StarBright Dyes’ exceptional brightness, narrow excitation and emission, and stability with high lot-to-lot reproducibility. You will also discover how easily they can fit into your flow cytometry experiments.
This webinar is recommended for both novices and researchers with some experience of flow cytometry.

Mike Blundell PhD
Product Manager,
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Mike Blundell graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a BSc (Hons) in Immunology. He then moved to University College London where he joined the group of Prof. Adrian Thrasher and obtained his PhD. His thesis research was focused on the primary immunodeficiency Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome and he contributed to over 50 peer reviewed papers. He investigated novel activating mutations and developed lentiviral vectors for use in gene therapy treatments, which have now been successfully used in clinical trials. Mike left academia in 2015 to become a product manager for Flow Cytometry Reagents at Bio-Rad.