In order to provide you with a personal, no obligation quotation for a HuCAL Custom Monoclonal Antibody generation project, we need some basic information about your antigen and desired antibody.
Please use the HuCAL project inquiry form below to provide the specifics of your desired project. This will enable us to address your needs and provide you with professional advice, a detailed project description and an accurate price quotation. The HuCAL project inquiry form is designed to collect as much information about your antibody requirements as quickly and efficiently as possible. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
HuCAL Project Inquiry Form
Thank you for completing the HuCAL® Inquiry Form.
A HuCAL sales specialist will contact you soon to discuss your project requirements in detail.
*(§ chimeric antibodies (human binding regions and murine/rat Fc regions)).
The more information we have the better, but please don’t worry if you don’t have all of the answers. We look forward to discussing project details with you. Any information supplied to Bio-Rad will be handled confidentially as guaranteed by our Terms and Conditions, and according to our privacy policy.
If you have any questions, please contact our HuCAL specialists at [email protected].
- Worldwide: +49 89 80 90 95 45 (Mo - Fr, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Central European Time).