Could your laboratory benefit from automation?
Laboratory automation can simplify operations, save time, and improve time to results.
To bring you the best possible solution for your laboratory, Bio-Rad collaborates closely with robotics integrators to ensure that the ZE5 Cell Analyzer and CFX Opus are optimized for automation.
In this joint webinar with a leading automation provider, Peak Analysis and Automation Ltd (PAA), we will discuss automating flow cytometry and real-time PCR with the ZE5 Cell Analyzer and CFX Opus. Join us to find out how automation could accelerate your research.
You’ll learn about:
- Who PAA are and what they offer
- Why you should consider automation in your lab
- What types of instruments in the lab can be integrated into an automated workstation
- How PAA and Bio-Rad support “lights out” working

Malcolm Crook,
Peak Analysis & Automation
With a PhD in Synthetic Chemistry from the University of Southampton, UK, Malcolm Crook started his career as an analytical chemist at the BP Research Centre in Sunbury in the UK. Progressing to information technology and robotics research in the late 1980s, in 1992, Malcolm eventually left with 4 BP colleagues to form Peak Analysis & Automation Ltd (PAA) in Farnborough, UK. He wrote the first version of Overlord to control the automation on the National DNA database at the UK Forensic Science Service, a product that went on to sell over 1,500 copies worldwide. Having started in research and development, marketing, sales, installation, and service for Overlord, Malcolm is now Technical Director at PAA mainly covering software sales worldwide.